
Regentime® procedure is a medical procedure based on the transplantation of proliferated partially differentiated and specifically redirected autologous adult bone marrow-derived mononuclear progenitor stem cells.

1. The pre-lab stage

The patient receives Filgrastim, a granulocyte-colony stimulating factor.
Following an increase in the white blood cell count is noticed a few hours after the last dose we proceed to stage 2.

2. The bone marrow collection stage

The bone marrow aspirate is collected from both posterior superior iliac crests under local anesthesia or sedation.

3. The laboratory stage

The bone marrow is processed, and stem cells are extracted and incubated with an organ-specific ultra-filtrate: Regentime Differentiation Agent (RDA).

4. The transplantation stage

Depending on the type of disease willing to treat, progenitor cells are injected into the patient’s body via different routes of injection:
  • Intravenous:  A practical and frequently used route. Stem cells head toward the target organ based on the concept of active homing.
  • Intra-arterial:  Directly or via catheterization, this route was pioneered by Dr. Nassim in 2016, reaching specific organs and limbs.
  • Intrathecal:  Mostly used to treat spine and brain diseases, the central nervous system.
  • Intramuscular:  Through muscle injections, the muscle can regenerate itself. Also, muscles can be used as a station from which stem cells can slowly travel toward organs.
  • Intra-articular:  This is the ultimate route to regenerate the tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and synovium of many joints.
  • Retro-orbital:  Stem cells are injected beneath the eyeball to improve the state of the retina, the optic nerve, and the brain stem.
  • Intra-uterine: To improve fertility, through thickening of the uterine wall as well as other abilities to conceive.

5. The Post-transplantation stage

Following patients is the main task, looking for different medications, rehabilitation measures, and maybe special nutrition, vitamins, and food supplements, to control as well as any eventual undesirable effects and transient symptoms like headache or low-grade fever. Rare symptoms like lower limb tingling or/and nausea may be experienced in the intrathecal route. Treatment of the main course of the disease should be reassessed adequately.