Rejuvenation Protocol

The Rejuvenation Protocol is offered to regular men and regular women who are wishing to revive their physical condition and preserve their total health.

This therapy is focused on the skin and glandular secretions. Stem cells are directed here towards different skin layers from the dermis deep to the subcutaneous tissues, and to all internal glands including the nervous system glands, enhancing the secretory ability in both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

In this protocol, the person receives intravenously around 30 ml of stem cells in which each containing around 700 million progenitor stem cells differentiated into all types of tissues after adequate incubation with a specific Regentime Differentiation Agent (RDA), purely made from sheep placenta.

This therapy necessitates 3 days of stay, with prices ranging from 10,000 USD to 20,000 USD.

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