Female Infertility

Infertility is described as an inability to conceive while engaging in regular sexual activity. In recent years, stem cell therapy has raised significant new advancements in reproductive disability management. Ovarian weight is increased, ovarian hormone synthesis is encouraged, uterine’s wall thickness is increased, and follicular development is stimulated by Regentime Stem Cell Therapy. Moreover, it can increase the tonicity, sensitivity, and lubricant secretion abilities of the vaginal wall, a complex cascade of a healthy apparatus.

Autologous bone marrow derived stem cells are collected from the patient’s iliac crest, differentiated in the laboratory, and injected back into the patient’s own body in 3 different routes: intravenous, intraarterial (catheterization), and intraluminal. The procedure takes 3 days and costs between 8000 USD to 14,500 USD

Undeniably, stem cells opened up new ways to treat infertility.

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