Retinal Optical Problems

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from optic nerve disorders and degenerative retinal diseases, which can lead to vision problems. Optic nerve disorders can be caused by either developmental or acquired factors. However, recent advancements in stem cell research have brought new hope for sight restoration in degenerative retinal illnesses using cellular therapeutic approaches. Stem cell therapy generates new corneal epithelial and retinal cells, photoreceptor cells, optic nerves, and other muscle cells necessary for complete vision.

Autologous bone marrow stem cells are extracted from the patient’s iliac crest, differentiated in the laboratory, and injected back into the patient’s body via two routes: intravenous and retrobulbar. The procedure takes 3 days, with prices ranging from 15,000 USD to 22,400 USD.

Stem cell therapy holds the key to the treatment of neuronal disorders in the future.

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